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TU170/GT101 Quiz Meeting5

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Effective problem solvers

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Jaqueline has worked on solving the same statistics problem for an hour and is frustrated that she cannot solve it. Right now, what she needs most is:

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when we make a judgment, gathering all relevant information is not needed

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Considering Bloom's Taxonomy, when you are able to make judgment, then this is related to Evaluating level.

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A possible strategy to follow when solving math problems that include surveys is to use charts

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When considering Problem – Solving Strategies for Math and Science "to simplify" means to solve related more difficult cases:

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After having a car accident with a woman driver, saying that "all woman are bad drivers" is a statement that include sweep generalization:

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Deductive reasoning is defined by drawing conclusions based on going from the general to the specific

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A possible good strategy to follow when solving math problems is to translate words into equations

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When working on solving math problems, sometimes the best way to simplify the problem is first to:

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Which of the following is NOT a basic step of 'building better exam habits' cycle?

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Deductive reasoning is defined by drawing conclusions based on going from the general to the specific.

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In a science class, Ali was asked to recall the information of the word electron. His instructor is asking him to apply which level of Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational objectives?

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Ali and his group are discussing a political problem in class and must offer possible solutions. He has his ideas on how to approach the problem but listens intently to what his group members have to say before he offers his approach. This is an example of

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Gt101 is an it courses and is so easy. All it courses are easy this type of reasoning is called

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All students are cheating " a student said after being caught cheating. This kind of action represented halo effect

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A critical thinker needs to see all sides of the issue

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Pat and his group are discussing a political problem in class and must offer possible solutions. He has his ideas on how to approach the problem but listens intently to what his group members have to say before he offers his approach. This is an example of:

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A critical thinker needs to have a positive attitude

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Adel is a math teacher that is very strict. All math teachers are very strict, this type of reasoning is called.

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