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TU170/GT101 Quiz Meeting2

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...............is junk, unwanted or unsolicited e-mail

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  In the URL: hhtps:www.aou.edu.jo, the part (edu) is the:

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File transfer Utilities help you upload and download files to and from the internet

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The internet and the web are totally different

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The two basic types of e-mail systems are

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For browsers to connect to resources, we need to have

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Programs that provide access to web resources are called:

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……………..is the physical objects with sensors, processing ability, software, and other technologies that connect and exchange data with other devices and systems over the internet

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. The continuing development of the Internet that allows everyday objects embedded with electronic devices to send and receive data over the Internet.

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Facebook is an example of a:

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The --------------- compares your entry against its database and returns the result, a list of

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…..........is the second part of the Web address which is the name of server where the resource is located

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  The World Wide Web that was introduced in 1991, made it possible to include graphics and animation video

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Which of these is not a major type of cloud computing usage?

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Parents can use this type of program to block access to selected websites

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A -------------------- publishes short sentences that only take a few seconds to write, rather than long stories or posts.

17 / 20

"Cloud" in cloud computing represents what? "

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Which of the following is a website specially designed to allow visitors to use their browser to add, edit, or delete the site's content

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Programs that automatically start and operate as a part of your browser are called

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  The Web is also known as

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