كويز تجريبي للدرس الأول


TU170/GT101 Quiz Meeting1

1 / 20

All of the devices as part of a personal computer are referred to as the computer-----------

2 / 20

………………...is the component of the information system that is described as the equipment that processes data to create information.

3 / 20

Which of the following is not application software?

4 / 20

Are the instructions that tell the computer how to do its work

5 / 20

   .................the by created are files Document

6 / 20

Microsoft PowerPoint is an example of.........

7 / 20

The purpose of software is to convert data (unprocessed facts) into information (processed facts).

8 / 20

..............are created by database management programs to contain organized

9 / 20

Two major kinds of software:

10 / 20

The largest network in the world is the Internet

11 / 20

This type of software can be described as end user software and is used to accomplish a variety of tasks.

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Insurance companies are most likely to use personal computers to process information about millions of policyholders.

13 / 20

System software might be described as end – user software

14 / 20

Direct : is

15 / 20

Four common types of files are Presentation files, Document files, Worksheet files, database files

16 / 20

Information system contains several parts that are working together like:

17 / 20

These computers sorted from the most powerful to the least powerful:

18 / 20

Digital data is stored electronically in files

19 / 20

Browser is an example of system software

20 / 20

The information of part important most system:

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